Interpretation with portable equipment

eic interpretacao com equipamento portatil

Interpretation with Portable Equipment

When using a Tour Guide Audio System, interpreters remain in the same room where the meeting, event or tour is taking place and listen to the speaker, with or without headphones, while interpreting in real time by means of a small microphone connected to a transmitter. Attendees who would rather hear the original speech in their language of choice use receivers and headphones to listen to the simultaneous translation and interpreters must make sure their voice is quiet enough not to disturb the proceedings.

In addition to being a mobile alternative, which can therefore be used in scenarios where people are required to move around (such as factory tours, for example), the tour guide system also allows for discreet and seamless interactions when a few people need to communicate but do not speak the same language (in meetings, for example).

This solution is primarily used during technical tours, escort interpreting, or small meetings with up to 30 attendees. EIC’s digital portable equipment is lightweight, easy to use and does not require an interpretation booth.

Looking for high quality simultaneous translation or need assistance organizing the interpretation for your event? It will be our pleasure to ensure your event is a success.

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Conference Interpreting Simultaneous interpretation is a key element of any international conference. After all, communication…

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